Gelber & Associates has performed a broad range of consulting engagements engaged in hedging, trading, marketing or purchasing of energy commodities and the purchase/sale of energy related assets. Our firm’s client list now includes international industrials, commercial real estate companies, merchant power generators, natural gas distribution companies, electric utilities, public utility commissions, and global energy companies.
Our team loves collaborating with Gelber & Associates to discuss hedging opportunities and the gas market. We make our own decisions but G&A’s guidance is one of the key inputs in our decision making process. Our positioning is very strong thanks to the teamwork between our staff and G&A’s hedging team.
Ray Crooks
Director, Utility Business Affairs
Gelber & Associates was instrumental in helping us make “just in time” decisions during the February 2021 cold snap. When gas supply was diverted from industrial uses to human needs requirements, Gelber helped us identify certain fixed price contracts that could be eliminated and repositioned us during more favorable times with fixed priced contracts that continue to perform well.
Kristy Carver
Senior Vice President
LNG Facility Project Management
Gelber modeled the economic justification and business plan for a world class LNG facility including the successful development funding sourcing for the $1 billion project.
20-Year Demand Forecast
The Gelber analytics group completed the long range forecast for an LDC integrated resource plan (IRP). The demand forecast was presented to the PUC separately and was then integrated into the IRP of the utility where it is now maintained and updated by their own staff personnel.
Hydrogen Gas Storage Assessment
Gelber conducted a comprehensive assessment and financial model of a potential storage project for a major industrial gas supplier. This study included the hydrogen gas production outlook for the Gulf Coast markets along with a supply and demand forecast. With the working template for storage monetization provided, the client has an operational practice that can realize profitability.
Natural Gas Basis Study
Gelber demonstrated dramatic annual savings by effectuating specific natural gas basis decisions for a large industrial in the metals segment, an international pipeline company and a large aluminum refiner and manufacturer. The client realized savings of over $3 million in the first year.
Price Risk Management Program Design
Gelber custom designed a comprehensive program for a global rubber & tire manufacturer to integrate with the client’s corporate culture, budget cycle, and desired outcomes. Gelber piloted the program for one year before turning it over to the corporate staff for self-management, resulting in improved performance and better integration with their annual budget.
"With Gelber’s professionalism and excellence over the years that this case has been pending …we were able to settle the case just before picking a jury. The case lawyers were very impressed with the expertise they brought to this matter."
--Bird Marella
Software Technology Implementation
Gelber, following a software selection process, undertook the implementation which customized the software to the client’s business process and trained the users, with completion under budget and on-time, accomplishing a successful transformation from spreadsheets to a comprehensive automated system.
Management-Led Buyout
Gelber, working with incumbent utility executives, designed and executed a management-led buyout of a major natural gas utility. Gelber sourced funding in the amount of $1 billion, coordinated with investment bankers, private equity, and management team making a private offering to the legacy owners.
"Thanks in great part to the Gelber team’s sound advice and direction, the system was successfully launched in just nine months from kick-off using Allegro 8, achieving our objectives on time and on budget."
--CF Industries
Software Technology Selection
Gelber conducted a rigorous software selection process for an Energy Trading and Risk Management (ETRM) system, in association with a partner technology firm. In coordination with client, three finalists were identified and best pricing was negotiated before making final selection.
Multi-Client Long Range Price Forecast for Natural Gas & Crude Oil
Gelber employed its proprietary and unique approach to future price and pricing dynamics for a multi-client grouping of utility companies, industrial manufacturers, and production companies along with a smaller grouping of commercials in order to establish strategy for energy commodity market participation.
Water Flood Design
Gelber partnered with a water-flood specialist to design and justify a secondary recovery work scope for an off-shore production company, focusing on the economic payout and funding requirements along with assisting in the technical design. After implementation, the client recognized financial rewards both via reater oil and gas production and financial settlement with a bank.
Large Industrial Best Practices Audit
Gelber reviewed all aspects of procurement and risk management program and made recommendations for improvement. With adoption of the plan, the client has greatly streamlined and improved their processes.
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